Awareness and Prevention of Cancer in Women – Report

Awareness & Prevention

of Cancer in Women

14th May 2022, 11:00 – 12:15 IST – ONLINE

Dr. Niti Krishna Raizada

Mitra CanCare held a webinar on Awareness and Prevention of Cancer in Women presented by Dr. Niti Krishna Raizada, Director for Medical Oncology and Hemato-Oncology at Fortis Group of Hospitals, Bengaluru.

The webinar was held on 14th May 2022, Saturday between 11:00 AM and 12:15 PM. The session was be moderated by the Mitra Moderator Ms. Sujatha Rajamani.

The session was well attended by both women and men. In her talk, Dr. Niti Krishna Raizada covered a variety of topics ranging from prevention to treatment and care. She highlighted the following important facts with statistics:

  • Increased incidence of cancer in India with a disturbing trend of occurrences in youth and productive workforce.
  • Common types of cancer that women face.
  • The importance of timely prevention, including vaccination, and detection, explaining the clinical and non-clinical methods, like self-examination, used to achieve the same.
  • Importance of healthy lifestyle and wellness and tips to achieve the goals.

Questions were taken up at the end, moderated by Dr. Lata Anand. Overall the participants found the program very useful.