Category: Swasth Mitra

Cancer and Common Man – Report

Saturday July 16, 2022 11:00am to 12:15pm IST – Cancer and Common Man. Mitra CanCare Foundation organised yet another thought-provoking knowledge sharing Webinar on Cancer delivered by Dr. R P Deo, Member of Medical Advisory Council at Mitra CanCare Foundation. Dr. RP Deo, has been spearheading efforts to prevent cancer caused especially by Tobacco, a prevalent source of Cancer in India. The program was well attended with lots of questions.

Cancer and Common Man – Webinar

Saturday July 16, 2022 11:00am to 12:15pm IST – Free Webinar on the topic “Cancer and Common Man”. An exclusive interactive session with Dr. RP Deo, Consultant Head & Neck Oncology Surgery providing and understanding of how cancer impacts the life of a common man and how many of the tobacco oriented cancer can be avoided by adopting healthy lifestyle.