Commonly seen cancers in India

Common Cancers in India

Here is an alphabetical list of commonly encountered types of cancers in India.

Kidney Cancer

Kidney Cancer is cancer that begins in the lining of the tubules in the kidney.


Signs and symptoms of Kidney Cancer include:

Passing red coloured urine without pain

Lower back pain without injury

Long-standing fever

Lump in the lumbar region (lower back)

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Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer, also known as Hepatic Cancer or Primary Hepatic Cancer or Primary Hepatic Malignancy, is a cancer that begins in the liver.


Signs and symptoms of Kidney Cancer include:

No symptoms

Nausea / Vomiting

Pain in Upper Abdomen

Dark Urine

Yellow eyes and skin (Jaundice)


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Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer is the type of cancer that originates in the lungs.


Signs and symptoms of Lung Cancer include:

Chronic Cough – Dry / With Phlegm / With Blood

Chest Pain – worsening upon coughing or deep breathing

Shortness of Breath

Bronchitis or Pneumonia – recurring and not responding to medicines

Pancoast Tumour – Weakness, Drooping of one of the upper eyelids, smaller pupil of the same eye, lack of sweating on one side of the face

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome – swelling of neck, face, arm, upper chest; dizziness; drowsiness; headache

Hormone Originated – ADH Hormone triggered, ACTH Hormone triggered

Brain / Nervous Systems Impacted – Symptoms of muscular systems

Harmone originated symptoms (listed above) present themselves causes which could be from Lung Cancer or from some other diseases, requiring Consultation with Doctor.

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Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which includes lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and bone marrow.


Signs and symptoms of Lymphatic Cancer include:

No symptoms

Fatigue / Weight Loss

Frequent fever / Infection

Painless swelling of Lymph Nodes

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Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer refers to cancer that develops in your oral cavity like the tongue, floor of the mouth (under the tongue) and buccal mucosa (the inner linings of cheeks).


Signs and symptoms of Oral Cancer include:

Loose teeth

White or Reddish patch in the mouth

Lump inside the mouth

Lump in the neck

Mouth Pain

Ear Pain

Persistent Lip or Mouth sore

Difficulty in swallowing

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Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a growth of cells that forms in the ovaries.


Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer include:

No / Vague symptoms in the initial stages

Heaviness in lower abdomen

Bloating / Nausea / Indigestion

Discomfort in pelvic area

Urgency to pass urine

Menstrual changes

Pain during or after intercourse

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