Commonly seen cancers in India

Common Cancers in India

Here is an alphabetical list of commonly encountered types of cancers in India.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer develops when uncontrolled cell growth begins in a part of the pancreas.


Signs and symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer include:

Pain in abdomen which radiates to the back

Dark urine

Fluid in abdomen

Sudden diabetes – Non Genetic

Yellow eyes and skin – Jaundice

Pale floating smelly stool

Generally there are no symptoms in the early stages. Most people diagnosed are already in advanced stages. Late stages are associated with symptoms which are non-specific.

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Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is cancer that begins in the prostates.


Signs and symptoms of Prostate Cancer include:

Difficulty in starting or maintaining urine stream

Dribbling urine

Urge to urinate

Increased frequency of urine – small quantity discharged

Blood in semen

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Skin Cancer – Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma occurs, most often, in areas exposed to the Sun like head or neck.


Signs and symptoms of Basal Cell Carcinoma include:

Flat scaly patch with raised edge

Shiny skin-coloured bumps

Pimples that do not go away

Brown, black or blue lesion with slightly raised translucent border in Sun-exposed area.

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Skin Cancer – Melanoma


Signs and symptoms of Melanoma include:

Changing sensation like itchiness or tenderness

New growth in mole

Big mole

Change in color / size / shape of existing mole

Irregular border or asymmetrical shape of mole

ABCDE Rule : Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, Evolving). Any of these can be treated as a Symptom/Warning sign.

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Skin Cancer – Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma occurs most often on skin exposed to the Sun.


Signs and symptoms of Squalous Cell Carcinoma include:

Red raised patch or wart like sore on or in anus or on genitals

Flat sore with a scaly crust

New sore or raised area on old scar or ulcer

Warm red module

Red sore or rough patch inside mouth

Rough scaly patch on the lip which may evolve to an open sore

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Throat Cancer

Throat Cancer refers to cancer that develops in your throat or voice box.


Signs and symptoms of Throat Cancer include:

Sore throat for more than 3 weeks

Splitting blood

Coughing for more than 3 weeks

Difficulty in swallowing

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Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer occurs in the cells of the thyroid.


Thyroid Cancer may not cause any symptoms initially. Normally detected incidentally when ultrasound of the neck is done for other reasons or as part of routine physical examination. Symptoms are noticed only when it starts growing. Some Thyroid Cancers like Anapaestic type can show aggressive growth. Signs and symptoms of Throat Cancer include:

Lump in front of the neck

Lump on either side of the neck

Change of voice

Difficulty in swallowing

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