Doctors’ Speak

June 21, 2022

International Yoga Day

Regular practice of Yoga is known to keep all body organs in fitness and is supposed to improve immune response against diseases, including cancer. Invented in India and practiced in various forms all around the world, the Government of India celebrates the International Yoga Day with millions of people participating every year. Visit the Ayush Yoga website to understand the programs the Government of India is running to promote Yoga. Mitra CanCare has our own little contribution to make Yoga as part of your life with this message from Dr. Raghavendra Rao, Director, Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. He is a member of our Medical Advisory Council and a mentor for cancer prevention. Listen to Dr. Raghavendra’s messages for International Yoga Day.

More about Dr. Raghavendra Rao

On the Yoga Day here are two messages from Mitra CanCare.

May 31, 2022

No-Tobacco Day

May 31st is celebrated as No-Tobacco Day. This is a day to take a check to seek and understand the close relationship between Tobacco consumption, in all forms, and incidence of cancer and make a choice. A wise choice is to have no tobacco today and then everyday for the rest of the life. Listen to the message “Quitters are winners” from Dr. Belliappa MS , Senior Consulting Oncologist, Advisor & Mentor at Mitra CanCare Foundation.

More about Dr. Belliappa MS