Kick cancer Before it kicks you: Tips to reach the Finals

Swasth Mitra

Kick cancer Before it kicks you : Tips to reach the Finals

Sat, December 17, 2022, 10:00 – 11:00 IST


The event has concluded and registration for the event is closed.

Dr. Prabhu Nesargikar

Consultant, Upper GI Onco Surgeon,

Bariatric & Endoscopic Surgeon, HCG Hospitals

Mitra CanCare is pleased to announce a webinar on

“Kick Cancer before it kicks you: Tips to reach the finals” by Dr. Prabhu Nesargikar, Consultant, Upper GI Onco Surgeon, Bariatric & Endoscopic Surgeon, HCG Hospitals.

This program will focus on the topic of “Kick cancer Before it kicks you : Tips to reach the Finals”.

While the incidence of cancer has increased worldwide, Cancer is a disease, which has moved being a death sentence, to now being a chronic disease where patients live longer lives than before.
Cancer often strikes unannounced.
Cancer is like a visitor you can’t ignore who can cause serious impact derailing your routine, your plans, your work, your sleep, and your relationships. You need to muster enormous amount of energy, self-discipline, resilience, and courage to endure the visit.
This talk tries to bring in the much-needed alertness so that the risk of developing cancer can be minimised and most importantly, servicing the human body at the right times to keep cancer in check.

About Dr. Prabhu Nesargikar

Dr. Prabhu Nesargikar is a Consultant Esophageal and Gastric Oncosurgeon, Advanced Endoscopic Surgeon and Bariatric Surgeon at HCG, Bengaluru and Hubli. He is also the clinical lead for LOGIC (Lifestyle, Obesity and GI Care) by HCG, and involved in Preventive Oncology setup. Following his graduation from M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, he subsequently moved to UK where he completed his basic and higher specialist training in General and Upper GI Surgery at Edinburgh. He also has obtained a MA degree in Medical Education, and MD degree for his research from Cardiff University. After 15 years in UK, he moved to Singapore where he worked as a Consultant in UGI Cancer and Bariatric Surgery at NUH, Singapore. He also gained further specialist experience in Gastric Cancer Surgery from Seoul, S.Korea.