Make a Difference with Colon Cancer Awareness – Report

Swasth Mitra

Make a Difference with Colon Cancer Awareness-Report

MB BS, (DNB – India), MD (Academic surgery),
MRCS (Eng, Ed, Glas), MRCSI (Dub), FRCS (Gen.Surg),
EBSQ (European Board of Surgery – Coloproctology) PGDMLE (NLSIU)

Dr. Narasimhaiah Srinivasaiah

Associate Professor of Surgery, Apollo Hospitals. Head of Colorectal Services, Karnataka Region

Mitra CanCare conducted a webinar on “Make a Difference with Colon Cancer Awareness” on 18th March 2023 led by Dr. Narasimhaiah Srinivasaiah.

In INDIA Colorectal Cancer is the 4th leading cancer in men and 6th leading cancer in women. Both men and women get Colorectal cancer. This cancer often starts with no symptoms. “YOU CAN STOP this cancer before it STARTS”.

The colon and rectum are vital parts of the digestive tract. Colorectal cancer usually develops slowly, starting with small growths called polyps on the lining of the colon or rectum. While most polyps are harmless, some can become cancerous over time. Screening tests, such as colonoscopies and stool tests, can detect colorectal cancer early, when it is most treatable.

Oncologists suspect that the increase in Colorectal Cancer cases specially with young adults could be mainly due to Lifestyle changes, Obesity, Dietary habits, especially lack of fibre in diet and smoking.

Early detection and treatment are crucial for improving the prognosis of colorectal cancer.

The session was attended by participants. March is observed as Colo-rectal cancer awareness month. Dr Narasimhaiah explained that Cancer is stage of evolution and it takes time to show up. We are living in era where health is very important and as per WHO “ Health is not just absence of disease but sate of complete physical, mental and social well being.”

60% death happens because of non-communicable diseases. Which is a real burden on health care system of the country. The cancer can be of one nature in one  area, while  can be different in another are. At present, better diagnostic, treatment and affordability is available.  He recommended to work on the risk factors. He mentioned that the journey of cancer is:  Prevention -> Screening -> Diagnosis -> Treatment -> Recovery / end of life . Hence Prevention is very vital.

He asked to do deep breathing exercise and focus on it, close eyes and keep concentrating on breath and feel the heart-beat. And suddenly you hear the news a family member is diagnosed with cancer, what do feel? Fear, pain, ignorance, ugly?

The cause of the cancer is hidden with the nature. We disturb it,  pollute, adulterate with fertilizers and nuclear etc. India is country of affluence. We have so much of resources and hence less disciplined to use them.  Obesity is the main reason of all the diseases. Our ancestor knew how to manage the balanced life, work and meditation and how to keep cancer away.

He used the quote “ A quarter of what we eat keeps us alive and other ¾ keeps the doctor alive”. So  what is the transition we need? From urban, chaotic life style to simpler rural life style. Cancer has been there since long, however some treatment started in last few years. He also added that Cancer is not stage of  disease but stage of evolution. Which means you have lived enough.

Like in the old tree  bark needs to be removed to rejuvenated We also need to do the same. Every cell has potential to become cancer. DNA mutation happens due to environment and habits. Some of the causes could be like not having children, no breastfeeding, obesity, smoking leads to different types of cancer.

Look for the symptoms , for the routine changes-  going more often urination, blood in urination can be symptoms of Colo-rectal cancer. Quickly get diagnosed. Next thing is to grade the tumor – good or bad? Cancer has stages – if cancer has just taken birth, or spread around, seeds around lymph etc. First stage can be cured very fast. It is important to boost immune system to become survivors. Once therapy is done- for 5 years go for regular check up , it may come up.

Symptoms are important to make a difference and be winner . Let us talk about prevention- gut is a forgotten organ, mother nature created the best immune system. Bacteria has impact on gut, we should think about gut first.

Have traditional food because it has its own benefits- Pickle, salt, rasam, rice, lentil, vada, chicken, ghee, egg etc.,  tradition meal is pro gut. Exercising is equally important. Fasting regularly helps to age slowly.  Do yoga, meditation, pranayam etc. He also suggested that Indian toilet helps to clear bowel properly and  western toileting brought all the diseases.

Q & A

Q 1 – Can we heal colorectal cancer?

Ans – majority of cancers are sporadic cancer 65%. Only 25% cancer are familial (e.g. parents had cancer in 50s which change genes). Genetics cancers – 5%, sure shot you will have a colon cancer-test can identify genes.

Q 2 –  Is there any treatment available with less cost?

Ans – Utmost important is Awareness, we are lacking in clinical practice. Catching  early can reduce the treatment cost. Aasha workers have done great job for cervical and breast awareness and removing stigma.

Colonoscopy is gold standard which can be opted if symptoms are there. Good clinical review and good lifestyle habits help too. If Lot of mucus and bleeding in back passage, weight loss, anaemia, palpitation, must go for scan.

Annual check ups help to catch them early and cure early lowering the cost. There are programs for bowel screening. First step is risk stratification based on questions asked to patients. If risk is identified then colonoscopy is recommended.

Q 3 How often we should do fasting and what particular food or diet to be taken post fasting?

 An intermittent fasting can be done twice a month. It helps to clean the gut and system. Keep hydrate during fasting and drop on the carbs. But check on medical condition first before fasting.

Q 4 How to deal with the side effects of the drug?

Yoga, meditation, good food, fresh air, stay healthy, positive thinking, community, living happily.  

Q 5 At what age should test for colon cancer?

Ans if no symptom then not required, until age of 50-55. After 40 if  have issues of Gastric, Bleeding then you should go for colonoscopy.

Q 6  Are there targeted treatment apart from chemo based on profiles,  that are specifically used for treating colo-rectal cancer? How to avoid in youngster?

Ans – for youngsters , just think about gut. Get out,  exercise, low fat meal, do not overfeed, keep fit and avoid obesity.

Q 7 – Should we use De-worming tablet regularly?

Ans – Extremes of hygiene and extremes of dirt. More cleaner you are less immuned you are . So expose to dirt for better immune system. Use deworming tablets only if required and any symptoms just like antibiotics. For probiotic home curd is best.