Common forms of Cancer and Symptoms

What is Cancer

Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. There are over 100 different types of cancer. Cancer affects “cells” the basic building blocks of the body. Cells are constantly created and die. New cells replace the died cells. Some genetic changes break this cycle and allow cells to proliferate in certain parts of the body causing tumors. Most tumors turn out to be benign or non-cancerous. But some tumors become malignant in the sense that they not only grow but also spread to other parts.

Common Symptoms of Cancer

NOTE : The content of signs and symptoms are purely for educational purposes and is not intended for self-diagnosing and treating by patients. Individual responses to cancer vary and some of the symptoms specified may not appear. It is aimed at giving the readers a sense of warning signals from various forms of cancer that should encourage them to consult a proper cancer specialist.

The following two images list 18 common symptoms and warning signals of cancer. It is better to get investigated if any of these symptoms are found.

Extreme and persistent fatigue

Weight Loss/Gain in excess of 5 KGs

Vomitting / Nausea without reason

Lump or thickening anywhere under the skin

Anaemia without any cause

Eating problems

Ulcer or sore that does not heal

Any form of bleeding without reason

Chronic cough that persists over 3 weeks

Urination disorder – change in frequency, quantity or blood in urine

Change in size and shape of moles

Change in bowel habits – constipation, diarrhoea

Persistent Headache, with or with vomitting

Back pain, pain in bone

Post-menopausal bleeding

Frequent infection or fever, especially in children

Change of voice and/or difficulty in swallowing

Lump in breast or axila / discharge from nipple

Common forms of Cancer

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